Monday, November 22, 2010

It's Starting!

Last Friday Jade and I went to our pre-construction meeting. We got to pick out so many different things for our new house. We picked out granite, tile, cabinets, doors, carpet, molding, paint, stone, stucco color, etc. It was so fun to pick everything out! I was able to find pictures of our granite, cabinets, and tile we picked out online. They should begin building after Thanksgiving! We are really excited to see it all begin.

The Tile
The Granite
The Cabinets
View Image

Friday, October 29, 2010

A New Home!

About a week ago we were pre-approved to purchase our first house! It is such a good time to buy a home right now in St. George. We have decided to build our own home from the ground up through a company called Ence homes. It is a 4 bedroom/2 bathroom house. We get to go to the design center in a couple of weeks and customize all the colors and little details ourselves. The community is called Treasure Valley. It is a nice and quiet beautiful neighborhood. If all goes as planned we should be in our new home sometime in February. We are so excited to begin this new journey!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

So next week is already the 4th week of school! I have a feeling that this school year is going to fly by! I have a really cute class. 22 kids right now, but that will probably change throughout the year. Sometimes I have to remind myself that they are pretty much still Kindergartners and that I really am expecting a lot from them. I love my team and work at a great school so I am very thankful for that!

Jade started school last Tuesday. He goes to his first practicum day on Wednesday. He is in a first grade classroom one day a week at another school. I'm sure he will enjoy that ;).

Jeter turns 1 year old on Wednesday! I can't believe we have already had him for almost a year. He is our little baby. Happy Birthday Jeter! :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Back To School

It seems no matter what you do with your summer, it always goes by too fast. At the end of June we flew out to Ohio for my brother's wedding. We all stayed in cabins out in the woods (something I am not use to), but it was fun to spend time with family that I haven't seen in years! 

Cutting the cake :)

Me and Jess after a sweaty hike 

The Bride and Groom

About a week after we arrived home we left again for Wyoming. We spent the 4th of July shooting off fireworks in Wyoming bundled up in sweaters and blankets. How I don't miss the freezing weather there all year round! A week later we came back to St. George to the comfort of air conditioning. Soon after, I picked up my key to my classroom and began the madness. Two weeks later I can finally tell that I have made much progress and I feel like I am almost ready to start a new year. I am sad that summer is over and I am no longer able to sleep in and that I can no longer be lazy, but I am ready to go back. I am excited for a new year with a new group of kids. 

As for Jade he starts school at the end of August so he gets to soak up a few more weeks of lying around the house with Jeter all day. He is 1 out of 2 guys in a cohort of like 40 girls so I wish him the best of luck to get through these next two years without going insane! 

Saturday, June 12, 2010


I have been done with my first year of teaching for almost a month now. It's weird going from running around non-stop with 20 1st graders to hanging out at home every day. We have been doing a lot of sleeping in, watching T.V., visiting the exciting stores in St. George (lol), and taking Jeter for lot's of walks. Jade and I are looking forward to our trip to Ohio in about a week for my brothers wedding. It will be fun to see family that I haven't seen in years! 

Last week was my 23rd Birthday so my mom and dad came down to celebrate it with us. It was fun to have them here. Jeter enjoyed the extra attention as well. 

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Although I finished school in December, graduation wasn't until May 7th. It was so nice to finally celebrate being done with school. 
Me and my best friend Becca. I don't think I would have made it through the program without her! 
My happy family. 
We went to Zion the next day. (More pics to come) This is me and my new sister in-law (to be) Jess was so much fun. Now that I have finally met her I really wish that she and my brother lived closer to us. We had so much fun together. My brother is a lucky guy. She is Great :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Good Times

Jade and I went to a friend's wedding with our other friends Chris and Becca.  There was a photo booth there with a bunch of crazy costumes. We had a good time!